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Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Independence Matters is required by law to publish an annual gender pay gap report.

The reports below have been prepared in line with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 and Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017.

Independence Matters Gender Pay Gap Report 2024

Independence Matters Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Independence Matters Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

Independence Matters Gender Pay Gap Report 2021


“I like seeing my friends and the staff. Coming to the Hub makes me feel happy.”
“We have been learning lots about horticulture and wildlife and have even made our own wildlife habitat.”
The Hub Studio Gang
“I hate being at home every day, I wish I could come more as I get lonely.”
Dementia Care Hub customer
“Good company, good food and fun times!”
Dementia Care Hub customer
“I like the Hub it gives me different opportunities and choices.”
“Thank you for taking such good care of my father this year, particularly in such difficult and extraordinary circumstances.
Family carer
“Whenever I speak to anybody who is looking for day care, I always recommend you and will continue to do so. Thank you so much for everything.”
Family carer
“I am really enjoying doing the workbooks.”
“My husband enjoys it so much he has requested to come an additional day. He gets a bit bored at home. I enjoy having a bit of freedom from constantly caring for him.”
Family carer
“Pine Lodge have a great team. Emma our daughter loves to go as she has a great time and feels very comfortable and content within her surroundings and with staff.”
Family carer
“The best thing that has happened to me in my life, you support me in my own home to be independent and assist me with everyday tasks. ”
“I like staying at Pine Lodge because I can choose delicious dinners to eat.”
“I have had more joy and understanding from your staff than in all the while I've been dealing with my husband's dementia. ”
Family carer
“This place is very helpful, I found it fun, doing a variety of jobs, got on well with the friendly staff. ”
Kevin, Norfolk Industries work placement candidate