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Supporting the National Trust to look after our wildlife

Over the summer, the TAPS wildlife group at Dereham Community Hub welcomed National Trust ranger Ben to visit and talk about his work.

Customers are now supporting the Trust by making ‘decoy’ birds which help little terns nest safely on the north Norfolk coast.

Little terns sometimes nest too close to the water’s edge, this can be fatal if the nests get washed away, so decoys are used to encourage the little terns to nest further away from the water. They fly over, see the decoys and think that that must be a good place to nest!

The TAPS are so pleased to be able to help these very special little birds. Ben brought with him lots of things found at Blakeney like fossils and bones which he passed around, it was such a good morning everyone really enjoyed it.

The group and are looking forward to a guided tour of Blakeney Point this autumn, with an opportunity to visit the seals on a later trip. ​

NT Ranger 1

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